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(1 edit)

Good game!:)

But I am afraid, that the rule about betting and REVEALING is not clear. The betting should be done in secret to be revealled at the end or how to play the rule? Some other rules are unclear:

Can I archive more stuff and then upload that all at once? According to the later content it looks like yes. 

Why Geniza placed boxes are disalloing actions of players?! Each place of te map can be concquered, right? so even Geniza occupied places can be concqured (even just one by one), right? 

Rating: 4 / 5.

(2 edits)

Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time!

Let me try and answer some questions : 

- In a Conflict, you bet your Packets or pass, and your total packets must always be the highest when you do bet. This is related to the global rule that Packets you have available should always be secret so other players or The GM, while in an Event or Conflict, do not have sufficient information and overbet to make sure other players are not able to participate. When a packet is bet, it is no longer secret.

- Yes! Archiving is an important 2-turn action that is also an important narrative moment where you character decides what they want to save from The Net.

- What I intended to write here is that playing Geniza (or enemy) blocks on actions makes it harder for players to do these actions as they must first win conflicts there to remove enemy blocks. But it might reduce the total Control of that enemy if they are too spread out on the map.

Really appreciate the feedback and hope this helps :) 

Uff, English is just secondary language for me.

How to follow  the text "the bet must be the highest" if the betting of others is secret? Would you be so kind to rephrase the text about secret betting and revealing in the rulebook to be clear even for a non-englishman please?

So can I Archive ALL for fair play with any future user?!☺️ 

Anyway, I used your indeed interesting mechanic in a TTRPG together with a board game which I'm finishing now. Please be so kind and let me know your opinions on it: .